Monday, September 22, 2008

The Emmys got it right!

For the most part, I thought. 30 Rock, John Adams and Mad Men -- seems about right to me. It's time to cut loose Two and Half Men - there's nothing about that show that deserves an Emmy, seriously. A nomination for Jon Cryer? Really? For Penis jokes? Is that where we're at?

It seems like the shows that everyone loved two, three years ago have fallen off the map -- House, Desperate Housewives, My Name is Earl. I think, in large part because they didn't hold on to what made them so exciting, or they didn't change enough to keep what was so exciting fresh. How many times can we watch House be an ass? And My Name is Earl -- one of the best concepts - but it's fallen apart. Makes you think of those shows like book series -- first season is all premise and if your premise is good -- you get the viewers. Think Lost. But after the first season there has to be a plan. A big plan, if you want to keep those viewers. Think Dexter. Which, was I think the only place the Emmys fell down on the job.

Just listening to the caliber of guests on 30 Rock is an indication that the show has some serious magnetism - and it's Tina Fey. Funny ha ha, mixed with absurd, mixed with heart - I love it. I want to be Tina Fey when I grow up.


Anonymous said...

It is all about Tina Fey... my admiration for her knows no bounds.
And Emmy did choose right from the nominees...
We need some new great shows to replace shows that are leaving, or have left, like The Wire and Battlestar...
Where are the new great shows?
Other than Mad Men, of course..

And sorry for not blogging on Friday.. had a wedding, then a massive, massive hangover...

Maureen McGowan said...

Love that Tina Fey won and was so gracious about it. And how cool of Alec Baldwin to give her credit for his win.

Most of the show was really lame, though. I liked Josh Groban's medley (after almost fast forwarding through it. Glad I didn't. He was funny. Especially doing the South Park theme and the Fresh Prince of Bel Air.) It was nice to see Tommy Smothers getting some recognition, but on the other hand, the Laugh In tribute was just sad. At least Goldie Hawn was smart enough not to get involved in that fiasco. Even the stupid Sock it to Me lead in was lame. It was so clear that over half of those people never saw Laugh-In and didn't even know how to say it properly... (Says the girl who got a Sock-it-to-me blow up mallet for Christmas in 1968.)

The only other moment that made me laugh vs cringe was Jimmy Kimmel giving the reality TV host award. Funny. Oh, and some of the reels for the best writers for a variety series. I liked the Conan one best, but they were all funny.

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