Showing posts with label workshops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workshops. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Best. Workshop. Ever.

I spent Saturday at the Sheraton Hotel in Sunnyvale, California at a workshop given by Donald Maas. You've probably guessed by the title of the post that I liked it.

I am a bit of a workshop junkie. I love them. I've learned so much going to workshops. I'll never forget my first RWA conference and what a total mind-blowing experience it was because of all the awesome workshops. Admittedly, I didn't know sh*t from shinola at that time, but while I now know that shinola was a shoe polish, I am always looking for some bit of information, some new way of looking at things, some special secret that will suddenly make this job easier or make my writing better.

I am often disappointed.

Sometimes I go to a workshop and the information is too basic for me. It's stuff I already know. Sometimes it's over my head. Saturday was perfect. I felt like the workshop was specifically for people just like me. People who understand a lot of the basics, but are looking for a way to take their writing to the next level.

I cannot wait. Can. Not. Wait. To start putting the techniques he taught to add tension to every scene into play. I've decided not to go back and rewrite the first 100 pages of the manuscript (I do have a deadline, after all), but will go forward using the techniques. I'm hopeful that I'll be able to get to those first 100 pages in revisions.

If he's in your area, run to his workshop. It rocked.
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