Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I'm getting ready to dive into revisions. I love revisions. Revisions are when the project has a chance to actually become what I thought it could be when I started. Thing is, I think I want this to be even better than that. I am itching -- ITCHING, I TELL YOU -- to mess with the structure and the point of view.

I am tired of telling stories from the beginning to the end. I want to do something to explode the structure. Certainly not as ambitious as Time Traveler's Wife, but maybe as ambitious as Rosamund Lupton's Sister.

As far as point of view, well, I've written books in third person and I've written books in first person. I've never written one in multiple first person points of view. You know, like the Barbara Kingsolver thing where each chapter is a different character's first person point of view?

All this would be a big stretch. The book was a stretch in the first place. If I'm willing to stretch a little more it might actually turn into the book I dreamed it could be when I first dreamed of writing it. Those were damn big dreams, too. Damn big. I wanted to write a book that could change people's minds and hearts. It's not there yet, but I think it could be. I think I could make it that way.

Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

Good luck.... I'm a first draft girl myself.. love that part, revisions hurt my head...

Maureen McGowan said...

I saw dream big, Eileen. Dream big. If you don't, you'll never know.

I like revisions too. Usually. Except on my last WIP where they nearly killed me. And I'm going to have to deal with a revision letter on that book at some point. Not sure if I'm excited about that or not. :)

Stephanie Doyle said...

Ugghhh... blogger ate my comment.

Basically I said stretch as big as you want Eileen. You can write anything.

Molly O'Keefe said...

YES!!! You can do it! I am excited and thrilled and totally confident you will rock the socks off this manuscript!! All of those things sound awesome - just totally great!

Eileen said...

Let's hope. At this point, though, why not try to go big? Isn't it time?

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