Yep. The cover gods have smiled upon me. Here it is, the proposed cover for my next Eileen Carr release!
Ain't she a beaut? I just love it. It's gotten me all excited about the book again. I can't wait to get my revision letter and dive back into it!
It's a really striking cover, Eileen. Awesome.
Thanks! I'm really pleased with it.
Wow! that is gorgeous and so evocative...
Yeah - those cover gods are loving you!!! Keep up the goat sacrifices or the great writing or whatever it is that's making this happen. Because that's the kind of cover people buy without needing any other reason - yay!!!
Goat sacrifices! Damn. That's the problem. I clearly have not been doing enough goat sacrifices. :)
Pshaw, Maureen. Based on your upcoming covers, I'm betting the goats scatter in your path! :-)
You're right, Eileen. I have been lucky with covers. :)
I suppose I was thinking about publishing in general more than my covers when I made that comment.
What do I need to kill to get a new contract?
For a new contract, you need to smear the blood of the goat on your naked body and then dance with wild abandon around a flaming potato in your driveway. Or at least that's what I do.
OH! The secrets of publishing finally revealed!!!
Although it is a tad cold for naked blood dancing tonight. I just tried to put out the garbage and the lid is frozen down! I want to move back to California. Now. Although the flaming potato might help...
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