Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy American Thanksgiving...

This will be a short post as I'm traveling. Just wishing everyone who is celebrating today a happy T-Day.

My sister is already panicking that she doesn't have a big enough bird so we are off to the store to see what can be done.

We're thinking of using a rotisserie chicken and just mixing it in with the turkey. I mean really, who is going to notice!

Anyway to echo what Eileen and Maureen said... ditto about being thankful for good friends.

Wish us luck!


Eileen said...

LOL, Steph! I had the same panic attack because our group kept growing! We ended up with 25 people. Luckily there were a couple of vegetarians in the crowd. As it was, the turkey was a little too big for my roasting pan and I set off the smoke alarm before 10 a.m. It was a personal best.

Molly O'Keefe said...

Smoke alarm by 10!! That's amazing. We have to utilize the neighbors oven to avoid that kind of nightmare. We've added a ham to the event mostly for the sandwhiches the next day. And because honestly with 15 kids, you just don't know who is going through a growth spurt and will eat the kitchen cupboards

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