Friday, January 28, 2011

Fine, I'll be upbeat too.

I'm crusty this week, annoyed at stuff I shouldn't be annoyed at, and really should have a sign on my forehead, 'approach at your own risk'. Don't know why, but I think lack of sleep has something to do with it.

But I'm going to focus on what is perking me up these days.

1) There is cider and wine in the world and I will be partaking later.

2) I have some truly amazing books on my nightstand. The maze runner, Matched, Archangel's kiss and room all waiting to be read.

3) slow progress on my current WIP, but progress is progress.

4) the vampire diaries came back on last night.

5) Molly, Maureen and Stephanie all have books coming out, and I've read three of them and they are amazing, and so looking forward to reading Stephanie's 4 1/2 star rated book.

That's all I have, but it's something.. now I'm going back to looking at the glass half empty.


Stephanie Doyle said...

That sounds like a pretty good list... at least the wine part.

What are you working on Sinead - is it a YA?

I would love to read some of your stuff. I'll trade you my historical mystery for any of your WIPS. :)

Anonymous said...

Steph I would love that. I would love to read your Historical mystery. I'm writing a YA historical horror. I'm trying to edit it right now into some sort of readable form, but send me your mystery.

Eileen said...

Ha! I know all about that "approach at your own risk" sign! I actually publicly shamed someone at the office for using Airborne and have been referring to other drivers as f*ckweasels.

Maureen McGowan said...

I think it's the time of year. So hard to be upbeat in Jan/Feb. So hard.

Ryshia Kennie said...

Sounds like my yesterday. Hopefully the wine makes it all better.

Anonymous said...

Ryshia, wine always works... and if it doesn't at first, just drink more.

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